Using Key Assumptions

How to tag key assumptions and use the key assumptions tab

Updated over a week ago

Ever wondering why the key assumptions tab in your model is blank like this? πŸ‘‡

It's blank because you haven't tagged any of your key assumptions yet πŸ™‚

How to tag key assumptions

First things first it's helpful to start with a pen and paper and jot down all of the key assumptions that have been used within your model.

Here's a few examples of good key assumptions πŸ‘‡:

  • Major assumptions on acquisition channels

    • I'm starting with a value of 100 and growing my organic SEO by 3% month over month

    • I'm starting my paid acquisition budget at $10/day and increasing the budget by 25% Quarterly never going above $50/day

    • Each salesperson on my team is going to make 50 cold calls per week and convert 7.5% of them to leads

  • Major revenue assumptions

    • I'm going to start my pricing out at $100 for product A and $300 for product B

    • I believe that 80% of my customers will buy product A, 20% of my customers will buy product B

    • I will convert 10% of leads to paying customers, but I'll improve that conversion over time but won't go past 15%

Tagging assumptions

  1. Navigate to where the assumption lives within Sturppy, is it an acquisition based assumption? If so, click on the acquisition channel where the assumption lives

  2. Click on the flow builder to expose the acquisition flow and it's nodes

  3. Right click the node in which you'd like to tag as a key assumption and tick the box "is Key Assumption"

Now when you navigate back to πŸ“– Assumptions > πŸ”‘ Key Assumptions you'll see the newly tagged key assumption

Feel free to add a note to signify what the assumption is, you can also rename the assumption to something more descriptive. This will also change the name of the node itself but that's usually a non-issue...

🚨 It's important to note that only INPUTS can be tagged as key assumptions as this time, that's because they're variable in nature, when you change them, the outputs of your model will change

Key assumptions give context to whomever is reviewing and trying to understand your financial model. Here's an example of a model with Key Assumptions filled out πŸ‘‡

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