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Getting Started - Sturppy 101
Modifying / Customizing graphs
Modifying / Customizing graphs

How to modify graphs, add new graphs, add tabs to graphs, and more

Updated over a week ago

Graphs are everywhere throughout the platform. We try our best to give you the graphs you want by default but you can go even further by doing some basic customizations.

How to modify /change a graph's series values

To modify a graph, first navigate to the graph you're trying to edit, for our example we'll modify a graph under the Revenues section within Sturppy Planning

  1. Hover your cursor over the until you see a black (+) symbol appear on the left bottom corner of the graph

  2. Hover your mouse over the black (+) symbol and click on the top icon (Chart UI)

  3. The chart UI module will pop open - this is where we will conduct our changes

  4. You have a few options here:

    1. Changing the name will change the displayed name of the graph

    2. Changing the series value will change the series that is graphed

    3. You can add or delete series with the (+) and (-) buttons

    4. You can change the colors of graphs using the default color palettes from the Project settings or use a unique color from the color picker

    5. You can hide legends under the Options section

    6. You can add a custom Y-axis by clicking the (+), this is helpful if you want to add 2 Y-axis

How to delete a graph

Be careful, if you delete it, there is no "un-do" button!

  1. To delete a graph open the Chart UI editor

  2. Click on the tab of the graph you'd like to remove from the top, then click the "Delete" button

How to add a new graph

To add a new graph, first navigate to the section where you'd like to add a new graph, in this case we'll add a new graph to a revenue stream

  1. To add a graph, first open the Chart UI editor

  2. Click the folder with a plus sign at the top right of the Chart UI editor to add a new graph

  3. Give your new graph a name

  4. Select a Series value from the drop down (you can select any output nodes)

  5. Add a graph type

  6. Add your color either by using the default palettes or the color picker and boom, you've got yourself a new graph!

How to rearrange the order of displayed graphs

To rearrange the order of graphs, first navigate to the section where you'd like to add a new graph, in this case we'll add a new graph to a revenue stream

  1. To rearrange the order, first open the Chart UI editor

  2. Select the tab of the graph you'd like to move

  3. Use the position arrow to set the position of the graph

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